
Icepak.create_fan(name=None, is_2d=False, shape='Circular', cross_section='XY', radius='0.008mm', hub_radius='0mm', origin=None)#

Create a fan component in Icepak that is linked to an HFSS 3D Layout object.

namestr, optional

Fan name. The default is None, in which case the default name is used.

is_2dbool, optional

Whether the fan is modeled as 2D. The default is False, in which case the fan is modeled as 3D.

shapestr, optional

Fan shape. Options are "Circular" and "Rectangular". The default is "Circular".

cross_sectionstr, optional

Cross section plane of the fan. The default is "XY".

radiusstr, float, optional

Radius of the fan in modeler units. The default is "0.008mm".

hub_radiusstr, float, optional

Hub radius of the fan in modeler units. The default is "0mm",

originlist, optional

List of [x,y,z] coordinates for the position of the fan in the modeler.


NativeComponentObject object.


>>> oModule.InsertNativeComponent