
Icepak.assign_conducting_plate_with_thickness(obj_plate, boundary_name=None, total_power='0W', thickness='1mm', solid_material='Al-Extruded', shell_conduction=False, low_side_rad_material=None, high_side_rad_material=None)#

Assign thermal boundary conditions with thickness specification to a conducting plate.

obj_platestr or int or list

Object to assign the boundary to. If a string, specify a surface name. If an integer, specify a face ID.

boundary_namestr, optional

Boundary name. The default is None, in which case a name is generated automatically.

total_powerstr or float or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

Power dissipated by the plate. The default is "0W". If a float, the default unit is "W". Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern.

thicknessstr or float, optional

If thermal_specification="Thickness", this parameter represents the thickness to model with the plate. The default is "1mm". If a float, the default unit is "mm".

solid_materialstr, optional

If thermal_specification="Thickness", this parameter represents the material of the conducting plate. The default is "Al-Extruded".

shell_conductionbool, optional

Whether to consider shell conduction. The default is False.

low_side_rad_materialstr, optional

Material on the low side for radiation. The default is None, in which case radiation is disabled on the low side.

high_side_rad_materialstr, optional

Material on the high side for radiation. The default is None, in which case radiation is disabled on the high side.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.