
Icepak.assign_mass_flow_free_opening(assignment, boundary_name=None, temperature='AmbientTemp', radiation_temperature='AmbientRadTemp', pressure='AmbientPressure', mass_flow_rate='0kg_per_s', inflow=True, direction_vector=None)#

Assign free opening boundary condition.

assignmentint or str or list

Integer indicating a face ID or a string indicating an object name. A list of face IDs or object names is also accepted.

boundary_namestr, optional

Boundary name. The default is None, in which case the name is generated automatically.

temperaturestr or float or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

Prescribed temperature at the boundary. If a string is set, a variable name or a number with the unit is expected. If a float is set, the unit 'cel' is automatically added. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern.

radiation_temperaturestr or floaty, optional

Prescribed radiation temperature at the boundary. If a string is set, a variable name or a number with the unit is expected. If a float is set, the unit 'cel' is automatically added. Default is "AmbientRadTemp".

pressurefloat or str or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

Prescribed pressure (static or total coherently with flow type) at the boundary. If a string is set, a variable name or a number with the unit is expected. If a float is set, the unit 'pascal' is automatically added. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. The default is "AmbientPressure".

mass_flow_ratefloat or str or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

Prescribed pressure (static or total coherently with flow type) at the boundary. If a string is set, a variable name or a number with the unit is expected. If a float is set, the unit 'kg_per_s' is automatically added. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. The default is "0kg_per_s".

inflowbool, optional

Prescribe if the imposed mass flow is an inflow or an outflow. Default is "True", in which case an inflow is prescribed.

direction_vectorlist, optional

Prescribe the direction of the massflow. Default is "None", in which case a massflow normal to the boundary is prescribed.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.




>>> import ansys.aedt.core
>>> icepak = ansys.aedt.core.Icepak()
>>> f_id = icepak.modeler["Region"].faces[0].id
>>> icepak.assign_mass_flow_free_opening(f_id)