Filter design#

The FilterSolutions module contains all classes needed to create and edit an object including.

  • Attributes to defines attributes and parameters of filters.

  • DllInterface to interface with the FilterSolutions DLL.

  • GraphSetup to define the frequency and time limits of the exported responses.

  • IdealResponse to return the data for available ideal filter responses.

  • MultipleBandsTable to manipulate access to the entries of multiple bands table.

  • TransmissionZeros to manipulates access to ratio and bandwidth entries in the transmission zeros table.

  • LumpedTopology to define attributes and parameters of filters implemented with lumped topology.

  • LumpedParasitics to define attributes of the lumped element parasitic values.

  • LumpedNodesandLeads to define attributes of the lumped node capacitors and lead inductors.

  • LumpedTerminationImpedance to manipulate access to the entries of source and load complex impedance table.

  • ExportToAedt to define attributes and parameters of the export page for exporting to AEDT.

  • OptimizationGoalsTable to manipulate access to the entries of the optimization goals table.

They are accessible through:


Defines attributes and parameters of filters.


Interfaces with the FilterSolutions C++ API DLL.


Defines the frequency and time limits of the exported responses.


Returns the data for available ideal filter responses.


Manipulates access to the entries of multiple bands table.


Manipulates access to ratio and bandwidth entries in the tranmsission zeros table.


Defines attributes and parameters of lumped filters.


Defines attributes of the lumped element parasitics.


Defines attributes of the lumped element node capacitors and lead inductors.


Manipulates access to the entries of source and load complex impedance table.


Defines attributes and parameters for exporting filter .


Provides management of optimization goals within a table structure.