
Icepak.assign_recirculation_opening(face_list, extract_face, thermal_specification='Temperature', assignment_value='0cel', conductance_external_temperature=None, flow_specification='Mass Flow', flow_assignment='0kg_per_s_m2', flow_direction=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, boundary_name=None)#

Assign recirculation faces.


List of face primitive objects or a list of integers containing faces IDs.

extract_facemodeler.cad.elements_3d.FacePrimitive, int

ID of the face on the extract side.

thermal_specificationstr, optional

Type of the thermal assignment across the two recirculation faces. The default is "Temperature". Options are "Conductance", "Heat Input", and "Temperature".

assignment_valuestr or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

String with a value and units of the thermal assignment. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. The default value is "0cel".

conductance_external_temperaturestr, optional

External temperature value, which is needed if thermal_specification is set to "Conductance". The default is None.

flow_specificationstr, optional

Flow specification for the recirculation zone. The default is "Mass Flow". Options are: "Mass Flow", "Mass Flux", and "Volume Flow".

flow_assignmentstr or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

String with the value and units of the flow assignment. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. The default value is "0kg_per_s_m2".

flow_directionlist, optional

Flow direction enforced at the recirculation zone. The default value is None, in which case the normal direction is used.

start_timestr, optional

Start of the time interval. This parameter is relevant only if the simulation is transient. The default value is "0s".

end_timestr, optional

End of the time interval. This parameter is relevant only if the simulation is transient. The default value is "0s".

boundary_namestr, optional

Name of the recirculation boundary. The default is None, in which case the boundary is automatically generated.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignRecircBoundary


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> ipk.solution_type = "Transient"
>>> box = ipk.modeler.create_box([5, 5, 5],[1, 2, 3],"BlockBoxEmpty","copper")
>>> box.solve_inside = False
>>> recirc = ipk.assign_recirculation_opening([box.top_face_x, box.bottom_face_x], box.top_face_x,
>>>                                          flow_assignment="10kg_per_s_m2")