
Icepak.assign_stationary_wall_with_htc(geometry, name=None, thickness='0mm', material='Al-Extruded', htc='0w_per_m2kel', ref_temperature='AmbientTemp', ht_correlation=False, ht_correlation_type='Natural Convection', ht_correlation_fluid='air', ht_correlation_flow_type='Turbulent', ht_correlation_flow_direction='X', ht_correlation_value_type='Average Values', ht_correlation_free_stream_velocity='1m_per_sec', ht_correlation_surface='Vertical', ht_correlation_amb_temperature='AmbientTemp', ext_surf_rad=False, ext_surf_rad_material='Stainless-steel-cleaned', ext_surf_rad_ref_temp='AmbientTemp', ext_surf_rad_view_factor='1', radiate=False, radiate_surf_mat='Steel-oxidised-surface', shell_conduction=False)#

Assign a surface wall boundary condition with a given heat transfer coefficient.

geometrystr or int

Name of the surface object or id of the face.

namestr, optional

Name of the boundary condition. The default is None.

htcstr or float or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

Heat transfer coefficient to assign to the wall. This parameter is relevant if ext_condition="Heat Transfer Coefficient". If a float value is specified, the unit is w_per_m2kel. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. Assign a temperature-dependent condition using the result of a function with the pattern create_temp_dep_assignment. The default is "0w_per_m2kel".

thicknessstr or float, optional

Thickness of the wall. If a float value is specified, the unit is the current unit system set in Icepak. The default is "0mm".

ref_temperaturestr or float, optional

Reference temperature for the definition of the heat transfer coefficient. This parameter is relevant if ext_condition="Heat Transfer Coefficient". The default is "AmbientTemp".

materialstr, optional

Solid material of the wall. This parameter is relevant if the thickness is non-zero. The default is "Al-Extruded".

radiatebool, optional

Whether to enable the inner surface radiation option. The default is False.

radiate_surf_matstr, optional

Surface material for inner surface radiation. This parameter is relevant if radiate is enabled. The default is "Steel-oxidised-surface.

ht_correlationbool, optional

Whether to use the correlation option to compute the heat transfer coefficient. The default is False.

ht_correlation_typestr, optional

Correlation type for the correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation=True. Options are “Natural Convection” and “Forced Convection”. The default is "Natural Convection".

ht_correlation_fluidstr, optional

Fluid for the correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation=True. The default is "air".

ht_correlation_flow_typestr, optional

Type of flow for the correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation=True. Options are "Turbulent" and "Laminar". The default is "Turbulent".

ht_correlation_flow_directionstr, optional

Flow direction for the correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation_type="Forced Convection". The default is "X".

ht_correlation_value_typestr, optional

Value type for the forced convection correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation_type="Forced Convection". Options are "Average Values" and "Local Values". The default is "Average Values".

ht_correlation_free_stream_velocitystr or float, optional

Free stream flow velocity. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation_type="Forced Convection". If a float value is specified, m_per_sec is the unit. The default is "1m_per_sec".

ht_correlation_surfacestr, optional

Surface for the natural convection correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation_type="Natural Convection". Options are “Top”, “Bottom”, and “Vertical”. The default is "Vertical".

ht_correlation_amb_temperaturestr or float, optional

Ambient temperature for the natural convection correlation option. This parameter is relevant if ht_correlation_type="Natural Convection". If a float value is specified, the default unit is degrees Celsius. The default is "AmbientTemp".

shell_conductionbool, optional

Whether to use the shell conduction option. The default is False.

ext_surf_radbool, optional

Whether to use the external surface radiation option. This parameter is relevant if ext_condition="Heat Transfer Coefficient". The default is False.

ext_surf_rad_materialstr, optional

Surface material for the external surface radiation option. This parameter is relevant if ext_surf_rad=True. The default is "Stainless-steel-cleaned".

ext_surf_rad_ref_tempstr or float or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

Reference temperature for the external surface radiation option. This parameter is relevant if ext_surf_rad=True. If a float value is specified, the default unit is degrees Celsius. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the pattern create_*_transient_assignment. The default is "AmbientTemp".

ext_surf_rad_view_factorstr or float, optional

View factor for the external surface radiation option. The default is "1".


Boundary object.


>>> oModule.AssignStationaryWallBoundary