
Icepak.assign_hollow_block(object_name, assignment_type, assignment_value, boundary_name=None, external_temperature='AmbientTemp')#

Assign block boundary for hollow objects.

object_namestr or list

Object name or a list of object names.


Type of the boundary assignment. Options are "Heat Transfer Coefficient", "Heat Flux", "Temperature", and "Total Power".

assignment_valuestr or dict or BoundaryDictionary

String with a value and units of the assignment. If "Total Power" is the assignment type, "Joule Heating" can be used. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. Assign a temperature-dependent condition using the result of a function with the pattern create_temp_dep_assignment.

boundary_namestr, optional

Name of the source boundary. The default is None, in which case the boundary is automatically generated.

external_temperaturestr, dict or float or BoundaryDictionary, optional

String with the value and unit of the temperature for the heat transfer coefficient. If a float value is specified, the "cel" unit is automatically added. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. The default is "AmbientTemp".


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignBlockBoundary


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> ipk.solution_type = "Transient"
>>> box = ipk.modeler.create_box([5, 5, 5],[1, 2, 3],"BlockBox5","copper")
>>> box.solve_inside = False
>>> temp_dict = {"Type": "Transient", "Function": "Square Wave", "Values": ["1cel", "0s", "1s", "0.5s", "0cel"]}
>>> block = ipk.assign_hollow_block("BlockBox5", "Heat Transfer Coefficient", "1w_per_m2kel", "Test", temp_dict)