
Icepak.assign_adiabatic_plate(assignment, high_radiation_dict=None, low_radiation_dict=None, boundary_name=None)#

Assign adiabatic plate boundary condition.


List of strings containing object names, or list of integers containing face ids or list of faces or objects.

high_radiation_dictdictionary, optional

Dictionary containing the radiation assignment for the high side. The two keys that are always required are "RadiateTo" and "Surface Material". If the value of "RadiateTo" is "RefTemperature", then the others required keys are "Ref. Temperature" and "View Factor". The other possible value of "RadiateTo" is "AllObjects". Default is None in which case the radiation on the high side is set to off.

low_radiation_dictdictionary, optional

Dictionary containing the radiation assignment for the low side. The dictionary structure is the same of high_radiation_dict. Default is None, in which case the radiation on the low side is set to off.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignAdiabaticPlateBoundary


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> box = ipk.modeler.create_box([5, 5, 5],[1, 2, 3],"Box","copper")
>>> ad_plate = ipk.assign_adiabatic_plate(box.top_face_x, None, {"RadiateTo": "AllObjects"})