Rmxprt: Create and export motor#

This example uses PyAEDT to create an Rmxprt project and export to Maxwell 2D Keywords: Rmxprt, Maxwell2D

import os.path
import tempfile

import ansys.aedt.core

Set AEDT version#

Set AEDT version.

aedt_version = "2024.2"
temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")

Launch AEDT and Rmxprt#

Launch AEDT and Rmxprt after first setting up the project name. As solution type we will use ASSM (Adjust-Speed Syncronous Machine).

app = ansys.aedt.core.Rmxprt(
    project=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "ASSM.aedt"),
C:\actions-runner\_work\_tool\Python\3.10.9\x64\lib\subprocess.py:1072: ResourceWarning: subprocess 6920 is still running
  _warn("subprocess %s is still running" % self.pid,
C:\actions-runner\_work\pyaedt\pyaedt\.venv\lib\site-packages\ansys\aedt\core\generic\settings.py:231: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='D:\\Temp\\pyaedt_ansys_0bf9f20b-53ab-4ce4-97b2-0987472c9727.log' mode='a' encoding='cp1252'>
  self.__logger = val

Define Machine settings#

Define global machine settings.

app.general["Number of Poles"] = 4
app.general["Rotor Position"] = "Inner Rotor"
app.general["Frictional Loss"] = "12W"
app.general["Windage Loss"] = "0W"
app.general["Reference Speed"] = "1500rpm"
app.general["Control Type"] = "DC"
app.general["Circuit Type"] = "Y3"

Define circuit settings#

Define circuit settings.

app.circuit["Trigger Pulse Width"] = "120deg"
app.circuit["Transistor Drop"] = "2V"
app.circuit["Diode Drop"] = "2V"


Define stator, slot and windings settings.

app.stator["Outer Diameter"] = "122mm"
app.stator["Inner Diameter"] = "75mm"
app.stator["Length"] = "65mm"
app.stator["Stacking Factor"] = 0.95
app.stator["Steel Type"] = "steel_1008"
app.stator["Number of Slots"] = 24
app.stator["Slot Type"] = 2

app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Auto Design"] = False
app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Hs0"] = "0.5mm"
app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Hs1"] = "1.2mm"
app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Hs2"] = "8.2mm"
app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Bs0"] = "2.5mm"
app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Bs1"] = "5.6mm"
app.stator.properties.children["Slot"].props["Bs2"] = "7.6mm"

app.stator.properties.children["Winding"].props["Winding Layers"] = 2
app.stator.properties.children["Winding"].props["Parallel Branches"] = 1
app.stator.properties.children["Winding"].props["Conductors per Slot"] = 52
app.stator.properties.children["Winding"].props["Coil Pitch"] = 5
app.stator.properties.children["Winding"].props["Number of Strands"] = 1


Define rotor and pole settings.

app.rotor["Outer Diameter"] = "74mm"
app.rotor["Inner Diameter"] = "26mm"
app.rotor["Length"] = "65mm"
app.rotor["Stacking Factor"] = 0.95
app.rotor["Steel Type"] = "steel_1008"
app.rotor["Pole Type"] = 1

app.rotor.properties.children["Pole"].props["Embrace"] = 0.7
app.rotor.properties.children["Pole"].props["Offset"] = 0
app.rotor.properties.children["Pole"].props["Magnet Type"] = ["Material:=", "Alnico9"]
app.rotor.properties.children["Pole"].props["Magnet Thickness"] = "3.5mm"


Create a setup and define main settings.

setup = app.create_setup()
setup.props["RatedVoltage"] = "220V"
setup.props["RatedOutputPower"] = "550W"
setup.props["RatedSpeed"] = "1500rpm"
setup.props["OperatingTemperature"] = "75cel"


Export to Maxwell#

After the project is solved we can export in Maxwell 2D or Maxwell 3D.

m2d = app.create_maxwell_design(setup_name=setup.name, maxwell_2d=True)

m2d.plot(show=False, output_file=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
<ansys.aedt.core.generic.plot.ModelPlotter object at 0x0000020CD8066F50>

Rmxprt settings export#

All Rmxprt settings can be exported in a json file and reused for another project with import function.

config = app.export_configuration(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "assm.json"))
app2 = ansys.aedt.core.Rmxprt(project="assm_test2",solution_type=app.solution_type, design="from_configuration")

Save and Close Desktop#

Save and Close Desktop.

m2d.save_project(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "Maxwell_project.aedt"))



All project files are saved in the folder temp_dir.name. If you’ve run this example as a Jupyter notebook you can retrieve those project files. The following cell removes all temporary files, including the project folder.


Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 28.146 seconds)

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