Maxwell templates and arguments#

This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Maxwell 2D and 3D.

You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:

from ansys.aedt.core import Maxwell3d

Maxwell3d = Maxwell3d ()
# Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
setup = Maxwell3d.create_setup ()
setup.props["MaximumPasses"] = 5
setup.update ()
{ 'AutoDetectSteadyState': False,
  'CacheSaveKind': 'Count',
  'CallCtrlProgAfterLastStep': False,
  'ControlProgramArg': '',
  'ControlProgramName': '',
  'Enabled': True,
  'FastReachSteadyState': False,
  'IsGeneralTransient': True,
  'IsHalfPeriodicTransient': False,
  'MeshLink': {'ImportMesh': False},
  'NonlinearSolverResidual': '0.005',
  'NumberSolveSteps': 1,
  'OutputError': False,
  'RangeEnd': '0.1s',
  'RangeStart': '0s',
  'SaveFieldsType': 'None',
  'ScalarPotential': 'Second Order',
  'SmoothBHCurve': False,
  'StopTime': '10000000ns',
  'TimeStep': '2000000ns',
  'UseControlProgram': False}
{ 'Enabled': True,
  'MaximumPasses': 10,
  'MeshLink': {'ImportMesh': False},
  'MinimumConvergedPasses': 1,
  'MinimumPasses': 2,
  'MuOption': {'MuNonLinearBH': True},
  'NonLinearResidual': 0.001,
  'PercentError': 1,
  'PercentRefinement': 30,
  'RelativeResidual': 1e-06,
  'SmoothBHCurve': False,
  'SolveFieldOnly': False,
  'SolveMatrixAtLast': True,
  'UseIterativeSolver': False}
{ 'Enabled': True,
  'MaximumPasses': 10,
  'MeshLink': {'ImportMesh': False},
  'MinimumConvergedPasses': 1,
  'MinimumPasses': 2,
  'NonLinearResidual': 0.001,
  'PercentError': 1,
  'PercentRefinement': 30,
  'RelativeResidual': 1e-06,
  'SolveFieldOnly': False,
  'SolveMatrixAtLast': True,
  'UseIterativeSolver': False}
{ 'Enabled': True,
  'Frequency': '60Hz',
  'HasSweepSetup': False,
  'MaximumPasses': 6,
  'MeshLink': {'ImportMesh': False},
  'MinimumConvergedPasses': 1,
  'MinimumPasses': 1,
  'NonLinearResidual': 0.0001,
  'PercentError': 1,
  'PercentRefinement': 30,
  'RelativeResidual': 1e-05,
  'SmoothBHCurve': False,
  'SolveFieldOnly': False,
  'SolveMatrixAtLast': True,
  'UseHighOrderShapeFunc': False,
  'UseIterativeSolver': False,
  'UseMuLink': False}
{ 'ComputePowerLoss': False,
  'Data': { 'InitialStep': '0.01s',
            'MaxStep': '5s',
            'SaveField': True,
            'Stop': '100s'},
  'Enabled': True,
  'Initial Voltage': '0mV',
  'MeshLink': {'ImportMesh': False},
  'Tolerance': 0.005}