
MonostaticRCSPlotter.add_range_profile_settings(size_range=10.0, range_resolution=0.1, tick_color='#000000')#

Add a 3D range profile setting representation to the current scene.

This function visualizes a 3D range profile with a main line representing the range axis and tick marks indicating distance intervals. The profile includes visual elements like a disc at the far end and a cone at the starting point. These elements help to display a reference range profile in the 3D scene.

size_rangefloat, optional

Total size of the range in meters. It determines the length of the range profile. The default is 10.0.

range_resolutionfloat, optional

Resolution of the range in meters, representing the distance between each tick mark along the range profile. The default is 0.1.

tick_colorstr, optional

Color of the tick marks along the range profile. The default is black ("#000000").