
MonostaticRCSPlotter.add_isar_2d_settings(size_range=10.0, range_resolution=0.1, size_cross_range=10.0, cross_range_resolution=0.1, tick_color='#000000', line_color='#ff0000')#

Add a 2D ISAR (Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar) visualization to the current 3D scene.

This function creates a 2D range and cross-range profile in a 3D scene. It includes a main line to represent the range axis, tick marks to indicate distance intervals, and additional lines to mark the azimuth. The visualization aids in representing ISAR settings for both range and cross-range dimensions.

size_rangefloat, optional

The total size of the range axis in meters. This sets the overall length of the range axis. The default is 10.0 meters.

range_resolutionfloat, optional

Resolution of the range axis in meters, specifying the spacing between each tick mark. The default is 0.1 meters.

size_cross_rangefloat, optional

The total size of the cross-range axis in meters. This sets the width of the cross-range axis. The default is 10.0 meters.

cross_range_resolutionfloat, optional

Resolution of the cross-range axis in meters, specifying the spacing between each tick mark along the azimuth axis. The default is 0.1 meters.

tick_colorstr, optional

Color of the tick marks along both the range and cross-range axes. The default is black (“#000000”).

line_colorstr, optional

Color of the line. The default is red ("#ff0000").