
MonostaticRCSPlotter.add_isar_3d_settings(size_range=10.0, range_resolution=0.1, size_cross_range=10.0, cross_range_resolution=0.1, size_elevation_range=10.0, elevation_range_resolution=0.1, tick_color='#000000', line_color='#ff0000')#

Add a 3D ISAR (Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar) visualization to the current 3D scene.

size_rangefloat, optional

The total size of the range axis in meters. This sets the overall length of the range axis. The default is 10.0 meters.

range_resolutionfloat, optional

Resolution of the range axis in meters, specifying the spacing between each tick mark. The default is 0.1 meters.

size_cross_rangefloat, optional

The total size of the cross-range axis in meters. This sets the width of the cross-range axis. The default is 10.0 meters.

cross_range_resolutionfloat, optional

Resolution of the cross-range axis in meters, specifying the spacing between each tick mark along the azimuth axis. The default is 0.1 meters.

size_elevation_rangefloat, optional

The total size of the elevation-range axis in meters. This sets the width of the elevation-range axis. The default is 10.0 meters.

elevation_range_resolutionfloat, optional

Resolution of the elevation-range axis in meters, specifying the spacing between each tick mark along the elevation axis. The default is 0.1 meters.

tick_colorstr, optional

Color of the tick marks along both the range and cross-range axes. The default is black ("#000000").

line_colorstr, optional

Color of the line. The default is red ("#ff0000").