
MonostaticRCSPlotter.add_range_profile(plot_type='Line', color_bar='jet')#

Add the 3D range profile.

This function visualizes a 3D range profile, which represents the RCS data as a function of range. The profile is rendered as a plot in the 3D scene using spherical coordinates (phi, theta) mapped into Cartesian coordinates (x, y). The range profile can be visualized in different plot types such as line plots or color-mapped surfaces.

plot_typestr, optional
The type of plot to create for the range profile. It can be "Line", "Ribbon", "Rotated",

"Extruded", "Plane V", “Plane H”`, and “Projection”`. The default is "Line".

color_barstr, optional

Color mapping to be applied to the RCS data. It can be a color ("blue", "green", …) or a colormap ("jet", "viridis", …). The default is "jet".