
Hfss.wave_port(assignment, reference=None, create_port_sheet=False, create_pec_cap=False, integration_line=0, port_on_plane=True, modes=1, impedance=50, name=None, renormalize=True, deembed=0, is_microstrip=False, vfactor=3, hfactor=5, terminals_rename=True, characteristic_impedance='Zpi')#

Create a waveport from a sheet (start_object) or taking the closest edges of two objects.

assignmentint, str, ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d or

Main object for port creation or starting object for the integration line.

referenceint, str, list or ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d

Ending object for the integration line or reference for Terminal solution. Can be multiple objects.

create_port_sheetbool, optional

Whether to create a port sheet or use the start object as the surface to create the port. The default is False.

create_pec_capbool, False

Whether to create a port cap. The default is False.

integration_linelist or int or ansys.aedt.core.application.analysis.Analysis.AxisDir, optional

Position of the integration. It should be one of the values for Application.AxisDir, which are: XNeg, YNeg, ZNeg, XPos, YPos, and ZPos The default is Application.AxisDir.XNeg. It can also be a list of 2 points.

port_on_planebool, optional

Whether to create the source on the plane orthogonal to AxisDir. The default is True.

impedancefloat, optional

Port impedance. The default is 50.

modesint, optional

Number of modes. The default is 1.

namestr, optional

Name of the port. The default is None, in which case a name is automatically assigned.

renormalizebool, optional

Whether to renormalize the mode. The default is True.

deembedfloat, optional

Deembed distance in millimeters. The default is 0.

is_microstripbool, optional

Whether if the wave port will be created and is a microstrip port. The default is False.

vfactorint, optional

Port vertical factor. Only valid if is_microstrip is enabled. The default is 3.

hfactorint, optional

Port horizontal factor. Only valid if is_microstrip is enabled. The default is 5.

terminals_renamebool, optional

Modify terminals name with the port name plus the terminal number. The default is True.

characteristic_impedancestr or list, optional

Characteristic impedance for each mode. Available options are “Zpi”`,`”Zpv”, `"Zvi", and “Zwave”`. The default is "Zpi".


Port object.


>>> oModule.AssignWavePort


Create a wave port supported by a microstrip line.

>>> import ansys.aedt.core
>>> hfss = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss()
>>> ms = hfss.modeler.create_box([4, 5, 0], [1, 100, 0.2], name="MS1", material="copper")
>>> sub = hfss.modeler.create_box([0, 5, -2], [20, 100, 2],name="SUB1", material="FR4_epoxy")
>>> gnd = hfss.modeler.create_box([0, 5, -2.2], [20, 100, 0.2],name="GND1", material="FR4_epoxy")
>>> port = hfss.wave_port("GND1", "MS1", integration_line=1, name="MS1")

Create a wave port in a circle.

>>> import ansys.aedt.core
>>> hfss = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss()
>>> c = hfss.modeler.create_circle("Z", [-1.4 ,-1.6 ,0], 1, name="wave_port")
>>> start = [["-1.4mm", "-1.6mm", "0mm"], ["-1.4mm", "-1.6mm", "0mm"]]
>>> end = [["-1.4mm", "-0.6mm", "0mm"], ["-1.4mm", "-2.6mm", "0mm"]]
>>> port = hfss.wave_port(c.name, integration_line=[start, end], characteristic_impedance=["Zwave", "Zpv"])