
Hfss.get_rcs_data(frequencies=None, setup=None, expression='ComplexMonostaticRCSTheta', variations=None, overwrite=True, link_to_hfss=True, variation_name=None)#

Export the radar cross-section data.

This method returns an instance of the RcsSolutionDataExporter object.

frequenciesfloat, list, optional

Frequency value or list of frequencies to compute the data. The default is None, in which case all available frequencies are computed.

setupstr, optional

Name of the setup to use. The default is None, in which case nominal_adaptive is used.

expressionstr, optional

Monostatic expression name. The default value is "ComplexMonostaticRCSTheta".

variationsdict, optional

Variation dictionary. The default is None, in which case the nominal variation is exported.

overwritebool, optional

Whether to overwrite metadata files. The default is True.

link_to_hfssbool, optional

Whether to return an instance of the class, which requires a connection to an instance of the Hfss class. The default is `` True``. If False, returns an instance of ansys.aedt.core.visualization.advanced.rcs_visualization.MonostaticRCSData class, which is independent of the running HFSS instance.

variation_namestr, optional

Variation name. The default is None, in which case the nominal variation is added.


SolutionData object.


The method get_antenna_data() is used to export the farfield of each element of the design.

Open a design and create the objects.

>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss()
>>> rcs_data = hfss.get_rcs_data()