
Hfss.assign_lumped_rlc_to_sheet(assignment, start_direction=0, name=None, rlc_type='Parallel', resistance=None, inductance=None, capacitance=None)#

Create a lumped RLC taking one sheet.


Name of the sheet to apply the boundary to.

start_directionint, ansys.aedt.core.application.analysis.Analysis.AxisDir or list, optional

Direction of the integration line. It should be one of the values for Application.AxisDir, which are: XNeg, YNeg, ZNeg, XPos, YPos, and ZPos. It also accepts the list of the start point and end point with the format [[xstart, ystart, zstart], [xend, yend, zend]] The default is Application.AxisDir.XNeg.

namestr, optional

Lumped RLC name. The default is None.

rlc_typestr, optional

Type of the RLC. Options are "Parallel" and "Serial". The default is "Parallel".

resistancefloat, optional

Resistance value in ohms. The default is None, in which case this parameter is disabled.

inductancefloat, optional

Inductance value in Henry (H). The default is None, in which case this parameter is disabled.

capacitancefloat, optional

Capacitance value in farads (F). The default is None, in which case this parameter is disabled.


Boundary object if successful, False otherwise.


>>> oModule.AssignLumpedRLC


Create a sheet and use it to create a lumped RLC.

>>> sheet = hfss.modeler.create_rectangle(hfss.PLANE.XY,
...                                       [0, 0, -90], [10, 2], name="RLCSheet",
...                                        material="Copper")
>>> lumped_rlc_to_sheet = hfss.assign_lumped_rlc_to_sheet(,hfss.AxisDir.XPos,resistance=50,
...                                                       inductance=1e-9,capacitance=1e-6)
>>> type(lumped_rlc_to_sheet)
<class 'from ansys.aedt.core.modules.boundary.common.BoundaryObject'>
>>> h2 = hfss.assign_lumped_rlc_to_sheet(,[sheet.bottom_edge_x.midpoint,
...                                      sheet.bottom_edge_y.midpoint],resistance=50,inductance=1e-9,
...                                      capacitance=1e-6)