
Hfss.create_lumped_rlc_between_objects(assignment, reference, start_direction=0, name=None, rlc_type='Parallel', resistance=None, inductance=None, capacitance=None, is_boundary_on_plane=True)#

Create a lumped RLC taking the closest edges of two objects.


Starting object for the integration line.


Ending object for the integration line.

start_directionint or ansys.aedt.core.application.analysis.Analysis.AxisDir, optional

Start direction for the boundary location.. It should be one of the values for Application.AxisDir, which are: XNeg, YNeg, ZNeg, XPos, YPos, and ZPos. The default is Application.AxisDir.XNeg.

namestr, optional

Perfect H name. The default is None, in which case a name is automatically assigned.

rlc_typestr, optional

Type of the RLC. Options are "Parallel" and "Serial". The default is "Parallel".


Resistance value in ohms. The default is None, in which case this parameter is disabled.


Inductance value in H. The default is None, in which case this parameter is disabled.


Capacitance value in F. The default is None, in which case this parameter is disabled.

is_boundary_on_planebool, optional

Whether to create the boundary on the plane orthogonal to AxisDir. The default is True.

ansys.aedt.core.modules.boundary.common.BoundaryObject or bool

Boundary object if successful, False otherwise.


>>> oModule.AssignLumpedRLC


Create two boxes for creating a lumped RLC named 'LumpedRLC'.

>>> box1 = hfss.modeler.create_box([0, 0, 50],[10, 10, 5],"rlc1","copper")
>>> box2 = hfss.modeler.create_box([0, 0, 60],[10, 10, 5],"rlc2","copper")
>>> rlc = hfss.create_lumped_rlc_between_objects("rlc1","rlc2",hfss.AxisDir.XPos,"Lumped RLC",resistance=50,
...                                              inductance=1e-9, capacitance=1e-6)
PyAEDT INFO: Connection Correctly created