
Hfss.create_boundary(boundary_type=0, assignment=None, name=None, is_inifinite_ground=False)#

Assign a boundary condition to a sheet or surface.

This method is generally used by other methods in the Hfss class such as the :meth:Hfss.assign_febi or :meth:Hfss.assign_radiation_boundary_to_faces method.

boundary_typeint, optional

Type of boundary condition to assign to a sheet or surface. The default is Hfss.BoundaryType.PerfectE. Options are the properties of the :class:Hfss.BoundaryType class. For example:

  • Hfss.BoundaryType.PerfectE

  • Hfss.BoundaryType.PerfectH

  • Hfss.BoundaryType.Radiation

  • Hfss.BoundaryType.Impedance

  • Hfss.BoundaryType.LumpedRLC

  • Hfss.BoundaryType.FEBI

assignmentint, str, or list, optional

Name of the sheet or face to assign the boundary condition to. The default is None. You can provide an integer (face ID), a string (sheet), or a list of integers and strings.

namestr, optional

Name of the boundary. The default is None.

is_inifinite_groundbool, optional

Whether the boundary is an infinite ground. The default is False.


Boundary object.