
Hfss.create_current_source_from_objects(assignment, reference, start_direction=0, name=None, source_on_plane=True)#

Create a current source taking the closest edges of two objects.

assignmentstr or int or ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d

First object connected to the current source.

referencestr or int or ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d

Second object connected to the current source.

start_directionint or ansys.aedt.core.application.analysis.Analysis.AxisDir, optional

Start direction for the port location. It should be one of the values for Application.AxisDir, which are: XNeg, YNeg, ZNeg, XPos, YPos, and ZPos. The default is Application.AxisDir.XNeg.

namestr, optional

Name of the source. The default is None.

source_on_planebool, optional

Whether to create the source on the plane orthogonal to the start direction. The default is True.


Boundary object.


>>> oModule.AssignCurrent


Create two boxes for creating a current source named 'CurrentSource'.

>>> box1 = hfss.modeler.create_box([30, 0, 20],[40, 10, 5],"BoxCurrent1","copper")
>>> box2 = hfss.modeler.create_box([30, 0, 30],[40, 10, 5],"BoxCurrent2","copper")
>>> i1 = hfss.create_current_source_from_objects("BoxCurrent1","BoxCurrent2",hfss.AxisDir.XPos,"CurrentSource")
PyAEDT INFO: Connection created 'CurrentSource' correctly.