EDB: plot nets with Matplotlib#

This example shows how you can use the Edb class to plot a net or a layout.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports, which includes importing a section.

import os
import pyaedt

Download file#

Download the AEDT file and copy it into the temporary folder.

temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()

targetfolder = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_folder)

Launch EDB#

Launch the pyaedt.Edb class, using EDB 2023 R2 and SI units.

edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=targetfolder, edbversion="2023.2")

Plot custom set of nets colored by layer#

Plot a custom set of nets colored by layer (default).


Plot custom set of nets colored by nets#

Plot a custom set of nets colored by nets.

edb.nets.plot(["GND", "GND_DP", "AVCC_1V3"], color_by_net=True)

Plot all nets on a layer colored by nets#

Plot all nets on a layer colored by nets

edb.nets.plot(None, ["1_Top"], color_by_net=True, plot_components_on_top=True)

Plot stackup and some padstack definition#

Plot all nets on a layer colored by nets

edb.stackup.plot(scale_elevation=False,plot_definitions=["c100hn140", "c35"])
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\actions-runner\\_work\\pyaedt\\pyaedt\\testenv\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\pyplot.py'>

Close EDB#

Close EDB.


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 15.369 seconds)

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