- class
Manages the specific Icepak postprocessing functions.
Some functionalities are available only when AEDT is running in the graphical mode.
- Parameters:
- app
Inherited parent object. The parent object must provide the members _modeler, _desktop, _odesign, and logger.
- app
Generate a field plot to an image file (JPG or PNG) using PyVista.
Retrieve display types for a report categories.
Compute the list of all available report categories.
Compute the list of all available report quantities of a given report quantity category.
Get the list of available solutions that can be used for the reports.
Modify a field plot property.
(plot_name)Copy report data as static data.
(solution_data)Create a 3D plot using Matplotlib.
([...])Create a Creeping Wave Plane Wave Visual Ray Tracing and return the class object.
([...])Create a Creeping Wave Point Source Visual Ray Tracing and return the class object.
Create field summary object.
Create a field plot of cut planes.
Create a field plot of stacked layer plot.
Create a field plot of stacked layer plot on specified matrix of layers and nets.
Create a field plot of the line.
Create a field plot of the line.
Create a field plot of stacked layer plot based on a net selections.
Create a field plot of surfaces.
Create a field plot of volumes.
Create a report in AEDT.
Create a report based on a JSON file, TOML file, RPT file, or dictionary of properties.
([...])Create an SBR Plane Wave Visual Ray Tracing and return the class object.
([...])Create an SBR Point Source Visual Ray Tracing and return the class object.
Delete a field plot.
([plot_name])Delete all reports or specific report.
Export the field output on a boundary.
Export the field surface output.
Export the field output on or in an object.
(quantity)Use the field calculator to create a field file based on a solution and variation.
Use the field calculator to create a field file on a grid based on a solution and variation.
(...[, ...])Export a field plot and coordinate system to a JPG file.
(...[, ...])Export a field plot.
([setup, ...])Export the mesh in AEDTPLT format.
Export the model.
Export a snapshot of the model to a
file.Export the 2D Plot data to a CSV file.
Export a 2D Plot data to a file.
Export plot to an image file.
Return all the possible report categories organized by report types, solution and categories.
Compute Etheta and EPhi.
Get the operating point of the fans in the design.
Generate far field data using the
method.Calculates the position and value of the field maximum or minimum.
Initialize the Model Plotter object with actual modeler objects and return it.
Use the field calculator to Compute Scalar of a Field.
Get a simulation result from a solved setup and cast it in a
object.Retrieve solution data for each variation.
Calculates the position and value of the temperature maximum or minimum.
([show_axis, ...])Show the Jupyter Notebook display.
Paste report data as static data.
Create an animated field plot using Python PyVista and export to a gif file.
(quantity, ...)Create a field plot using Python PyVista and export to an image file (JPG or PNG).
Export a field plot to an image file (JPG or PNG) using Python PyVista.
Plot the model or a substet of objects.
(frames, gif_path)Plot the current model 3D scene with overlapping animation coming from a file list and save the gif.
([units, ...])Power budget calculation.
(plot_name, ...)Rename a plot.
(setup, ...)Set derivative variable to a specific offset value.
Remove the selection of an object that would prevent the image from exporting correctly.
(assignment)Use the field calculator to create a variable for volumetric losses.
List of all report names.
Report types.
Fields plot names.
Model units.
Fields reporter.
Report setup.
Design solution type.
Get/Set the boolean to automatically update reports on edits.