
Rmxprt.get_traces_for_plot(get_self_terms: bool = True, get_mutual_terms: bool = True, first_element_filter: str = None, second_element_filter: str = None, category: str = 'dB(S', differential_pairs: list = None) list[source]#

Retrieve a list of traces of specified designs ready to use in plot reports.

get_self_termsbool, optional

Whether to return self terms. The default is True.

get_mutual_termsbool, optional

Whether to return mutual terms. The default is True.

first_element_filterstr, optional

Filter to apply to the first element of the equation. This parameter accepts * and ? as special characters. The default is None.

second_element_filterstr, optional

Filter to apply to the second element of the equation. This parameter accepts * and ? as special characters. The default is None.

categorystr, optional

Plot category name as in the report (including operator). The default is "dB(S)", which is the plot category name for capacitance.

differential_pairslist, optional

Differential pairs defined. The default is None in which case an empty list is set.


List of traces of specified designs ready to use in plot reports.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss3dLayout
>>> hfss = Hfss3dLayout(project_path)
>>> hfss.get_traces_for_plot(first_element_filter="Bo?1",
...                          second_element_filter="GND*", category="dB(S")
>>> hfss.get_traces_for_plot(differential_pairs=['Diff_U0_data0','Diff_U1_data0','Diff_U1_data1'],
...                          first_element_filter="*_U1_data?",
...                          second_element_filter="*_U0_*", category="dB(S")