
Q3d.get_traces_for_plot(get_self_terms=True, get_mutual_terms=True, first_element_filter=None, second_element_filter=None, category='C')[source]#

Get a list of traces of specified designs ready to use in plot reports.

get_self_termsbool, optional

Whether to get self terms. The default is True.

get_mutual_termsbool, optional

Whether to get mutual terms. The default is True.

first_element_filterstr, optional

Filter to apply to the first element of the equation. This parameter accepts * and ? as special characters. The default is None.

second_element_filterstr, optional

Filter to apply to the second element of the equation. This parameter accepts * and ? as special characters. The default is None.


Plot category name as in the report, including operator. The default is "C", which is the plot category name for capacitance.


Traces of specified designs ready to use in plot reports.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Q3d
>>> hfss = Q3d(project_path)
>>> hfss.get_traces_for_plot(first_element_filter="Bo?1",
...                           second_element_filter="GND*", category="C")