
Q2d.export_equivalent_circuit(output_file, setup=None, sweep=None, variations=None, matrix=None, cells=2, user_changed_settings=True, include_cap=True, include_cond=True, include_dcr=False, include_dcl=False, include_acr=False, include_acl=False, include_r=True, include_l=True, add_resistance=False, parse_pin_names=False, export_distributed=True, lumped_length='1meter', rise_time_value=None, rise_time_unit=None, coupling_limit_type=None, cap_limit=None, ind_limit=None, res_limit=None, cond_limit=None, model=None, frequency=0, file_type='HSPICE', include_cpp=False)[source]#

Export matrix data.


Full path for saving the matrix data to. Options for file extensions are CIR, SML, SP, PKG, SPC, LIB, CKT, BSP, DML, and ICM.

setupstr, optional

Setup name. The default value is None, in which case the first analysis setup is used.

sweepstr, optional

Solution frequency. The default is None, in which case the default adaptive is used.

variationslist or str, optional

Design variation. The default is None, in which case the current nominal variation is used. If you provide a design variation, use the format {Name}:{Value}.

matrixstr, optional

Name of the matrix to show. The default is "Original".

cellsint, optional

Number of cells in export. Default value is 2.

user_changed_settingsbool, optional

Whether user has changed settings or not, defaulted to True. Default value is False.

include_capbool, optional

Include Capacitance. Default value is True.

include_condbool, optional

Include Conductance. Default value is True.

coupling_limit_typeint, optional

Coupling limit types. Values can be: "By Value" -> 0 or "By Fraction Of Self Term" -> 1. If None, no coupling limits are set. Default value is None.

include_dcrbool, optional

Flag indicates whether to export DC resistance matrix. Default value is False.

include_dclbool, optional

Flag indicates whether to export DC Inductance matrix. Default value is False.

include_acrbool, optional

Flag indicates whether to export AC resistance matrix. Default value is False.

include_aclbool, optional

Flag indicates whether to export AC inductance matrix. Default value is False.

include_rbool, optional

Flag indicates whether to export resistance. Default value is True.

include_lbool, optional

Flag indicates whether to export inductance. Default value is True.

add_resistancebool, optional

Adds the DC and AC resistance. Default value is True.

parse_pin_namesbool, optional

Parse pin names. Default value is False.

export_distributedbool, optional

Flag to tell whether to export in distributed mode or Lumped mode. Default value is True.

lumped_lengthstr, optional

Length of the design. Default value is 1 meter.

rise_time_valuestr, optional

Rise time to calculate the number of cells. Default value is 1e-09.

rise_time_unitstr, optional

Rise time unit. Default is s.

cap_limitstr, optional

Capacitance limit. Default value is 1pF if coupling_limit_type is 0. Default value is 0.01 if coupling_limit_type is 1.

cond_limitstr, optional

Conductance limit. Default value is 1mSie if coupling_limit_type is 0. Default value is 0.01 if coupling_limit_type is 1.

res_limitstr, optional

Resistance limit. Default value is 1ohm if coupling_limit_type is 0. Default value is 0.01 if coupling_limit_type is 1.

ind_limitstr, optional

Inductance limit. Default value is 1nH if coupling_limit_type is 0. Default value is 0.01 if coupling_limit_type is 1.

modelstr, optional

Model name or name of the sub circuit (Optional). If None then file_name is considered as model name.

frequencystr, optional

Sweep frequency in Hz. Default value is 0.

file_typestr, optional

The type of file format. Type of HSPICE file format. (All HSPICE file formats have the same extension, which is *.sp.) Options are: “Hspice”: simple HSPICE file format. “Welement”: Nexxim/HSPICE W Element file format “RLGC”: Nexxim/HSPICE RLGC W Element file format Default value is Hspice.

include_cppbool, optional

Whether to include chip package control. Default value is False.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oModule.ExportCircuit


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Q3d
>>> aedtapp = Q3d()
>>> box = aedtapp.modeler.create_box([30, 30, 30],[10, 10, 10],name="mybox")
>>> net = aedtapp.assign_net(box,"my_net")
>>> source = aedtapp.assign_source_to_objectface(box.bottom_face_z.id, axisdir=0,
...     source_name="Source1", net_name=net.name)
>>> sink = aedtapp.assign_sink_to_objectface(box.top_face_z.id,direction=0,name="Sink1",net_name=net.name)
>>> aedtapp["d"] = "20mm"
>>> aedtapp.modeler.duplicate_along_line(objid="Box1",vector=[0, "d", 0])
>>> mysetup = aedtapp.create_setup()
>>> aedtapp.analyze_setup(mysetup.name)
>>> aedtapp.export_equivalent_circuit(output_file="test_export_circuit.cir",
...                                   setup=mysetup.name,sweep="LastAdaptive", variations=["d: 20mm"])