
FieldPlot.get_points_value(points, filename=None, visibility=False)[source]#

Get points data from field plot.


This method is working only if the associated field plot is currently visible.


This method does not work in non-graphical mode.

pointslist, list of lists or dict

List with [x,y,z] coordinates of a point or list of lists of points or dictionary with keys containing point names and for each key the point coordinates [x,y,z].

filenamestr, optional

Full path or relative path with filename. Default is None in which case no file is exported.

visibilitybool, optional

Whether to keep the markers visible in the UI. Default is False.

dict or pd.DataFrame

Dict containing 5 keys: point names, x,y,z coordinates and the quantity probed. Each key is associated with a list with the same length of the argument points. If pandas is installed, the output is a pandas DataFrame with point names as index and coordinates and quantity as columns.