
class ansys.aedt.core.generic.farfield_visualization.FfdSolutionDataExporter(app, sphere_name, setup_name, frequencies, variations=None, overwrite=True, export_touchstone=True, set_phase_center_per_port=True)[source]#

Class to enable export of embedded element pattern data from HFSS.

An instance of this class is returned from the ansys.aedt.core.Hfss.get_antenna_data() method. This method allows creation of the embedded element pattern files for an antenna that have been solved in HFSS. The metadata_file properties can then be passed as arguments to instantiate an instance of the ansys.aedt.core.generic.farfield_visualization.FfdSolutionData class for subsequent analysis and postprocessing of the array data.

Note that this class is derived from the FfdSolutionData class and can be used directly for far-field postprocessing and array analysis, but it remains a property of the ansys.aedt.core.Hfss application.


HFSS application instance.


Infinite sphere to use.


Name of the setup. Make sure to build a setup string in the form of "SetupName : SetupSweep".


Frequency list to export. Specify either a list of strings with units or a list of floats in Hertz units. For example, ["9GHz", 9e9].

variationsdict, optional

Dictionary of all families including the primary sweep. The default value is None.

overwritebool, optional

Whether to overwrite the existing far field solution data. The default is True.

export_touchstonebool, optional

Whether to export touchstone file. The default is False. Working from 2024 R1.

set_phase_center_per_portbool, optional

Set phase center per port location. The default is True.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core
>>> app = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss(version="2023.2", design="Antenna")
>>> setup_name = "Setup1 : LastAdaptive"
>>> frequencies = [77e9]
>>> sphere = "3D"
>>> data = app.get_antenna_data(frequencies,setup_name,sphere)
>>> data.plot_3d(quantity_format="dB10")



Obtain metadata information from metadata XML file.


Export far field solution data of each element.


Obtain PyAEDT metadata JSON file from AEDT metadata XML file or embedded element pattern TXT file.
