This section lists modules for creating and editing
plots in AEDT and shows how to interact with AEDT fields calculator.
They are accessible through the post
Some capabilities of the advanced_post_processing
module require Python 3 and
installations of the numpy,
matplotlib, and pyvista
Some functionalities are available only when AEDT is running in graphical mode.
Advanced post-processing#
Contains advanced postprocessing functionalities that require Python 3.x packages like NumPy and Matplotlib. |
from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
# This call returns the PostProcessor class
post =
# This call returns a FieldPlot object
plotf = post.create_fieldplot_volume(objects, quantity_name, setup_name, intrinsics)
# This call returns a SolutionData object
my_data = post.get_solution_data(expressions=trace_names)
# This call returns a new standard report object and creates one or multiple reports from it.
standard_report = post.reports_by_category.standard("db(S(1,1))")
sols = standard_report.get_solution_data()
AEDT report management#
AEDT provides great flexibility in reports. PyAEDT has classes for manipulating any report property.
Some functionalities are available only when AEDT is running in graphical mode.
Provides trace management. |
Line Limit Management Class. |
Provides a reporting class that fits most of the app's standard reports. |
Provides for managing fields. |
Provides for managing near field reports. |
Provides for managing far field reports. |
Provides for managing eye diagram reports. |
Provides for managing emission reports. |
Provides for managing spectral reports from transient data. |
Icepak monitors#
The monitor_icepak
module includes the classes listed below to add, modify, and manage monitors during simulations.
Retrieve monitor values for post-processing and analysis to gain insights into key simulation metrics.
Methods and properties are accessible through the monitor
property of the Icepak
Provides Icepak face monitor properties and methods. |
Provides Icepak point monitor methods and properties. |
Provides Icepak monitor methods. |
Advanced fields calculator#
The fields_calculator
module includes the FieldsCalculator
It provides methods to interact with AEDT Fields Calculator by adding, loading and deleting custom expressions.
Provides the Advanced fields calculator methods. |