- class ansys.aedt.core.modules.boundary.hfss_boundary.FarFieldSetup(app, component_name, props, component_type, units='deg')#
Manages Far Field Component data and execution.
in this example the sphere1 returned object is a
>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss >>> hfss = Hfss() >>> sphere1 = hfss.insert_infinite_sphere() >>> sphere1.props[“ThetaStart”] = “-90deg” >>> sphere1.props[“ThetaStop”] = “90deg” >>> sphere1.props[“ThetaStep”] = “2deg” >>> sphere1.delete()Methods
Create a Field Setup Component in HFSS.
Delete the Field Setup in AEDT.
Create dictionary from the Binary Tree.
Activate suppress option for all the operations contained in the binary tree node.
Disable suppress option for all the operations contained in the binary tree node.
Update the Field Setup in AEDT.
(prop_name, ...)Update the property of the binary tree node.
Available properties.
Set/Get the Far Field Azimuth Start Angle if Definition is Set to Az Over El or El Over Az.
Set/Get the Far Field Azimuth Step Angle if Definition is Set to Az Over El or El Over Az.
Set/Get the Far Field Azimuth Stop Angle if Definition is Set to Az Over El or El Over Az.
Command of the modeler hystory if available.
Set/Get the Far Field Radiation Surface FaceList.
Set/Get the Far Field Angle Definition.
Set/Get the Far Field Elevation Start Angle if Definition is Set to Az Over El or El Over Az.
Set/Get the Far Field Elevation Step Angle if Definition is Set to Az Over El or El Over Az.
Set/Get the Far Field Elevation Stop Angle if Definition is Set to Az Over El or El Over Az.
Set/Get the custom Coordinate System name.
Boundary Name.
Set/Get the Far Field Phi Start Angle if Definition is Set to Theta-Phi.
Set/Get the Far Field Phi Step Angle if Definition is Set to Theta-Phi.
Set/Get the Far Field Phi Stop Angle if Definition is Set to Theta-Phi.
Set/Get the Far Field Polarization.
Properties data.
Set/Get the Far Field Slant Angle if Polarization is Set to Slant.
Set/Get the Far Field Theta Start Angle if Definition is Set to Theta-Phi.
Set/Get the Far Field Theta Step Angle if Definition is Set to Theta-Phi.
Set/Get the Far Field Theta Stop Angle if Definition is Set to Theta-Phi.
Set/Get the Far Field Radiation Surface Enable.
Set/Get the usage of a custom Coordinate System.