
Hfss.assign_coating(assignment, material=None, conductivity=58000000, permittivity=1, use_thickness=False, thickness='0.1mm', roughness='0um', is_infinite_ground=False, is_two_side=False, is_internal=True, is_shell_element=False, use_huray=False, radius='0.5um', ratio='2.9', name=None)#

Assign finite conductivity to one or more objects or faces of a given material.

assignmentstr or list

One or more objects or faces to assign finite conductivity to.

materialstr, optional

Material to use. The default is None.

conductivityfloat, optional

Conductivity. The default is 58000000. If no material is provided, a value must be supplied.

permittivityfloat, optional

Permittivity. The default is 1. If no material is provided, a value must be supplied.

use_thicknessbool, optional

Whether to use thickness. The default is False.

thicknessstr, optional

Thickness value if usethickness=True. The default is "0.1mm".

roughnessstr, optional

Roughness value with units. The default is "0um".

is_infinite_groundbool, optional

Whether the finite conductivity is an infinite ground. The default is False.

is_two_sidebool, optional

Whether the finite conductivity is two-sided. The default is False.

is_internalbool, optional

Whether the finite conductivity is internal. The default is True.

is_shell_elementbool, optional

Whether the finite conductivity is a shell element. The default is False.

use_huraybool, optional

Whether to use a Huray coefficient. The default is False.

radiusstr, optional

Radius value if usehuray=True. The default is "0.5um".

ratiostr, optional

Ratio value if usehuray=True. The default is "2.9".


Name of the boundary.


Boundary object.


>>> oModule.AssignFiniteCond


Create two cylinders in the XY working plane and assign a copper coating of 0.2 mm to the inner cylinder and outer face.

>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss()
>>> origin = hfss.modeler.Position(0, 0, 0)
>>> inner = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(hfss.PLANE.XY,origin,3,200,0,"inner")
>>> outer = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(hfss.PLANE.XY,origin,4,200,0,"outer")
>>> coat = hfss.assign_coating(["inner", outer.faces[2].id], "copper", use_thickness=True, thickness="0.2mm")