
ansys.aedt.core.generic.file_utils.parse_excitation_file(input_file: str | Path, is_time_domain: bool = True, x_scale: float = 1.0, y_scale: float = 1, impedance: float = 50.0, data_format: str = 'Power', encoding: str = 'utf-8', out_mag: str = 'Voltage', window: str = 'hamming') tuple | bool#

Parse a csv file and convert data in list that can be applied to Hfss and Hfss3dLayout sources.

input_filestr or pathlib.Path

Full name of the input file.

is_time_domainbool, optional

Either if the input data is Time based or Frequency Based. Frequency based data are Mag/Phase (deg).

x_scalefloat, optional

Scaling factor for x axis.

y_scalefloat, optional

Scaling factor for y axis.

data_formatstr, optional

Either “Power”, “Current” or “Voltage”.

impedancefloat, optional

Excitation impedance. Default is 50.

encodingstr, optional

Csv file encoding.

out_magstr, optional

Output magnitude format. It can be “Voltage” or “Power” depending on Hfss solution.

windowstr, optional

Fft window. Options are "hamming", "hanning", "blackman", "bartlett" or None.

tuple or bool

Frequency, magnitude and phase.