
Modeler3D.split(assignment, plane=None, sides='Both', tool=None, split_crossing_objs=False, delete_invalid_objs=True)[source]#

Split a list of objects. In case of 3D design possible splitting options are plane, Face Primitive, Edge Primitive or Polyline. In case of 2D design possible splitting option is plane.

assignmentstr, int, or list

One or more objects to split. A list can contain both strings (object names) and integers (object IDs).

planestr, optional

Coordinate plane of the cut or the Application.PLANE object. The default value is None. Choices for the coordinate plane are "XY", "YZ", and "ZX". If plane or tool parameter are not provided the method returns False.

sidesstr, optional

Which side to keep. The default is "Both", in which case all objects are kept after the split. Options are "Both", "NegativeOnly", and "PositiveOnly".

toolstr, int, ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.elements_3d.FacePrimitiveor

For 3D design types is the name, ID, face, edge or polyline used to split the objects. For 2D design types is the name of the plane used to split the objects. The default value is None. If plane or tool parameter are not provided the method returns False.

split_crossing_objsbool, optional

Whether to split crossing plane objects. The default is False.

delete_invalid_objsbool, optional

Whether to delete invalid objects. The default is True.

list of str

List of split object names.


>>> oEditor.Split