
Modeler3D.create_bondwire(start, end, h1=0.2, h2=0, alpha=80, beta=5, bond_type=0, diameter=0.025, facets=6, name=None, material=None, orientation='Z', **kwargs)[source]#

Create a bondwire.


List of [x, y, z] coordinates for the starting position of the bond pad.


List of [x, y, z] coordinates for the ending position of the bond pad.

h1float|str optional

Height between the IC die I/O pad and the top of the bondwire. If the height is provided as a parameter, its value has to be provided as value + unit. The default is 0.2.

h2float|str optional

Height of the IC die I/O pad above the lead frame. If the height is provided as a parameter, its value has to be provided as value + unit. The default is 0. A negative value indicates that the I/O pad is below the lead frame.

alphafloat, optional

Angle in degrees between the xy plane and the wire bond at the IC die I/O pad. The default is 80.

betafloat, optional

Angle in degrees between the xy plane and the wire bond at the lead frame. The default is 5.

bond_typeint, optional

Type of the boundwire, which indicates its shape. Options are:

  • ‘’0’’ for JEDEC 5-point

  • 1 for JEDEC 4-point

  • ‘’2`` for Low

The default is ‘’0``.

diameterfloat|str optional

Diameter of the wire. The default is 0.025.

facetsint, optional

Number of wire facets. The default is 6.

namestr, optional

Name of the bondwire. The default is None, in which case the default name is assigned.

materialstr, optional

Name of the material. The default is None, in which case the default material is assigned.

orientationstr, optional

Coordinate system axis. The default is "Z".


Additional keyword arguments may be passed when creating the primitive to set properties. See ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d for more details.


3D object.


>>> oEditor.CreateBondwire


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss()
>>> origin = [0,0,0]
>>> endpos = [10,5,20]
>>> #Material and name are not mandatory fields
>>> object_id = hfss.modeler.create_bondwire(origin,endpos,h1=0.5,h2=0.1,alpha=75,
...                                          beta=4,bond_type=0,name="mybox",material="copper")