
Modeler3D.create_equationbased_curve(x_t=0, y_t=0, z_t=0, t_start=0, t_end=1, num_points=0, name=None, xsection_type=None, xsection_orient=None, xsection_width=1, xsection_topwidth=1, xsection_height=1, xsection_num_seg=0, xsection_bend_type=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create an equation-based curve.

x_tstr or float

Expression for the X-component of the curve as a function of "_t". For example, "3 * cos(_t)".

y_tstr or float

Expression for the Y-component of the curve as a function of "_t"

z_tstr or float

Expression for the Z-component of the curve as a function of "_t"

t_startstr or float

Starting value of the parameter "_t".

t_endstr or float

Ending value of the parameter "_t".

num_pointsint, optional

Number of vertices on the segmented curve. The default is 0, in which case the curve is non-segmented.

namestr, optional

Name of the created curve in the 3D modeler. The default is None, in which case the default name is assigned.

xsection_typestr, optional

Type of the cross-section. Choices are "Line", "Circle", "Rectangle", and "Isosceles Trapezoid". The default is None.

xsection_orientstr, optional

Direction of the normal vector to the width of the cross-section. Choices are "X", "Y", "Z", and "Auto". The default is None, in which case the direction is set to "Auto".

xsection_widthfloat or str, optional

Width or diameter of the cross-section for all types. The default is 1.

xsection_topwidthfloat or str, optional

Top width of the cross-section for type "Isosceles Trapezoid" only. The default is 1.

xsection_heightfloat or str

Height of the cross-section for types "Rectangle" and "Isosceles Trapezoid" only. The default is 1.

xsection_num_segint, optional

Number of segments in the cross-section surface for types "Circle", "Rectangle", and "Isosceles Trapezoid". The default is 0. The value must be 0 or greater than 2.

xsection_bend_typestr, optional

Type of the bend for the cross-section. The default is None, in which case the bend type is set to "Corner". For the type "Circle", the bend type should be set to "Curved".


Additional keyword arguments may be passed when creating the primitive to set properties. See ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d for more details.


3D object.


>>> oEditor.CreateEquationCurve


The following example shows how to create an equation- based curve in HFSS. The required parameters are cs_plane, position, major_radius, ratio, and is_covered. The cs_plane parameter provides the plane that the ellipse is designed on. The position parameter provides the origin of the ellipse. The major_radius parameter provides the radius of the ellipse. The ratio parameter is a ratio between the major radius and minor radius of the ellipse. The is_covered parameter is a flag indicating if the ellipse is covered.

The optional parameter matname allows you to set the material name of the ellipse. The optional parameter name allows you to assign a name to the ellipse.

This method applies to all 3D applications: HFSS, Q3D, Icepak, Maxwell 3D, and Mechanical.

>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> aedtapp = Hfss()
>>> eq_xsection = self.aedtapp.modeler.create_equationbased_curve(x_t="_t",
...                                                               y_t="_t*2",
...                                                               num_points=200,
...                                                               z_t=0,
...                                                               t_start=0.2,
...                                                               t_end=1.2,
...                                                               xsection_type="Circle")