
Modeler3D.replace_3dcomponent(name=None, variables_to_include=None, assignment=None, boundaries=None, excitations=None, coordinate_systems=None, reference_coordinate_system='Global')[source]#

Replace with 3D component.

namestr, optional

Name of the component. The default is None.

variables_to_includelist, optional

List of variables to include. The default is None.

assignmentlist, optional

List of object names to export. The default is all object names.

boundarieslist, optional

List of Boundaries names to export. The default is all boundaries.

excitationslist, optional

List of Excitation names to export. The default is all excitations.

coordinate_systemslist, optional

List of coordinate systems to export. The default is all coordinate systems.

reference_coordinate_systemstr, optional

The coordinate system reference. The default is "Global".


User-defined component object.


>>> oEditor.ReplaceWith3DComponent