EMIT modeler#
The EMIT Modeling
module includes several classes to enable
modeling in EMIT:
to return the schematic modeler for an EMIT design.couplings
to return a list of all linked couplings within an EMIT design.version
to provide the EMIT version information.set_units
to set the units globally for the EMIT design.get_units
to get the value of the current EMIT design global units.
EMIT version check and set units example:
import ansys.aedt.core
from ansys.aedt.core import Emit
emit = Emit(ansys.aedt.core.generate_unique_project_name(),
specified_version="2025.1", non_graphical=False,
new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True)
# This call returns detailed version info for EMIT
ver = emit.version(detailed=True)
# This call sets the global units for EMIT
unit_types = ["Power", "Frequency", "Length", "Time"]
unit_vals = ["kW", "kHz", "meter", "ns"]
emit.set_units(unit_types, unit_vals)
# This call gets all the global units for the EMIT design
all_units = emit.get_units()
# This call gets the global Frequency units for the EMIT design
freq_units = emit.get_units("Frequency")
# Close AEDT
emit.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
EMIT-HFSS link creation example:
import os
import ansys.aedt.core
from ansys.aedt.core import Emit
from ansys.aedt.core.generic.filesystem import Scratch
scratch_path = ansys.aedt.core.generate_unique_folder_name()
temp_folder = os.path.join(scratch_path, ("EmitHFSSExample"))
if not os.path.exists(temp_folder):
# Launch AEDT
aedtapp = ansys.aedt.core.launch_desktop(specified_version="2025.1", non_graphical=False,
new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True)
# Verify the ``Cell Phone RFT Defense`` example exists
example_name = "Cell Phone RFI Desense"
example_aedt = example_name + ".aedt"
example_results = example_name + ".aedtresults"
example_lock = example_aedt + ".lock"
example_pdf_file = example_name + " Example.pdf"
example_dir = os.path.join(aedtapp.install_path, "Examples\\EMIT")
example_project = os.path.join(example_dir, example_aedt)
example_results_folder = os.path.join(example_dir, example_results)
example_pdf = os.path.join(example_dir, example_pdf_file)
# If the ``Cell Phone RFT Defense`` example is not
# in the installation directory, exit from this example.
if not os.path.exists(example_project):
# Copy the project to a temp directory
my_project = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_aedt)
my_results_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_results)
my_project_lock = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_lock)
my_project_pdf = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_pdf_file)
if os.path.exists(my_project):
if os.path.exists(my_project_lock):
with Scratch(scratch_path) as local_scratch:
local_scratch.copyfile(example_project, my_project)
local_scratch.copyfolder(example_results_folder, my_results_folder)
if os.path.exists(example_pdf):
local_scratch.copyfile(example_pdf, my_project_pdf)
emit = Emit(my_project)
# Remove all existing links
for link in emit.couplings.coupling_names:
# Add the HFSS design as a coupling in EMIT
for link in emit.couplings.linkable_design_names:
# Get all the antennas in the EMIT design
antennas = emit.couplings.antenna_nodes
for ant in antennas:
# Close AEDT
emit.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
Create and Analyze an EMIT project:
import ansys.aedt.core
from ansys.aedt.core import Emit
from ansys.aedt.core.emit_core.emit_constants import TxRxMode, ResultType
emit = Emit(ansys.aedt.core.generate_unique_project_name(),
specified_version="2025.1", non_graphical=False,
new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True)
# Create a radio and connect an antenna to it
rad1 = emit.modeler.components.create_component("New Radio")
ant1 = emit.modeler.components.create_component("Antenna")
if rad1 and ant1:
# Quickly create 2 more radios with antennas automatically
# connected to them
rad2, ant2 = emit.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("GPS Receiver")
rad3, ant3 = emit.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)", "Bluetooth")
# Create a new ``Revision``
rev = emit.results.analyze()
# Get the receive bands enabled for the GPS Rx
rx_bands = rev.get_band_names(rad2.name, TxRxMode.RX)
# Get the transmit bands enabled for the Bluetooth radio
tx_bands = rev.get_band_names(rad3.name, TxRxMode.TX)
# Configure the interaction domain that will be analyzed
domain = emit.results.interaction_domain()
domain.set_receiver(rad2.name, rx_bands[0], -1)
# Analzye the domain and get the worst case interference
interaction = rev.run(domain)
worst = interaction.get_worst_instance(ResultType.EMI)
emi = worst.get_value(ResultType.EMI)
print(f"Worst case interference is: {emi} dB")
# Close AEDT
emit.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)