
NetworkObject.add_internal_node(name, power, mass=None, specific_heat=None)[source]#

Add an internal node to the network.


Name of the node.

powerstr or float or dict

String, float, or dictionary containing the value of the assignment. If a float is passed, the "W" unit is used. A dictionary can be passed to use temperature-dependent or transient assignments.

massstr or float, optional

Value of the mass assignment. This parameter is relevant only if the solution is transient. If a float is passed, the "Kg" unit is used. The default is None, in which case "0.001kg" is used.

specific_heatstr or float, optional

Value of the specific heat assignment. This parameter is relevant only if the solution is transient. If a float is passed, the "J_per_Kelkg" unit is used. The default is None`, in which case ``"1000J_per_Kelkg" is used.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> import ansys.aedt.core
>>> app = ansys.aedt.core.Icepak()
>>> network = ansys.aedt.core.modules.boundary.Network(app)
>>> network.add_internal_node("TestNode", {"Type": "Transient",
>>>                                        "Function": "Linear", "Values": ["0.01W", "1"]})