
PostProcessorIcepak.get_field_extremum(assignment: str, max_min: Literal['Max', 'Min'], location: Literal['Surface', 'Volume'], field: str, setup: str | None = None, intrinsics: dict[str, str] | None = None) Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float], float]#

Calculates the position and value of the field maximum or minimum.


The name of the object to calculate the extremum for.

max_minLiteral[“Max”, “Min”]

“Max” for maximum, “Min” for minimum.

locationLiteral[“Surface”, “Volume”]

“Surface” for surface, “Volume” for volume.


Name of the field.

intrinsicsOptional[dict[str, str]]

Time at which to retrieve results if setup is transient. Default is None.


The name of the setup to use. If None, the first available setup is used. Default is None.

Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float], float]
A tuple containing:
  • A tuple of three floats representing the (x, y, z) coordinates of the maximum point.

  • A float representing the value associated with the maximum point.