
Icepak.generate_fluent_mesh(object_lists=None, meshtype='tetrahedral', min_size=None, max_size=None, inflation_layer_number=3, inflation_growth_rate=1.2, mesh_growth_rate=1.2)#

Generate a Fluent mesh for a list of selected objects and assign the mesh automatically to the objects.

object_listslist, optional

List of objects to compute the Fluent mesh on. The default is None, in which case all fluids objects are used to compute the mesh.

meshtypestr, optional

Mesh type. Options are "tethraedral" or "hexcore".

min_sizefloat, optional

Minimum mesh size. Default is the smallest edge of objects/20.

max_sizefloat, optional

Maximum mesh size. Default is the smallest edge of objects/5.

inflation_layer_numberint, optional

Inflation layer number. Default is 3.

inflation_growth_ratefloat, optional

Inflation layer size. Default is 1.2.

mesh_growth_ratefloat, optional

Growth rate. Default is 1.2.
