
Icepak.assign_blower_type1(faces, inlet_face, fan_curve_pressure, fan_curve_flow, blower_power='0W', blade_rpm=0, blade_angle='0rad', fan_curve_pressure_unit='n_per_meter_sq', fan_curve_flow_unit='m3_per_s', boundary_name=None)[source]#

Assign blower type 1.


List of modeler.cad.elements_3d.FacePrimitive or of integers containing faces ids.

inlet_facemodeler.cad.elements_3d.FacePrimitive, int or list

Inlet faces.


List of the fan curve pressure values. Only floats should be included in the list as their unit can be modified with fan_curve_pressure_unit argument.


List of the fan curve flow value. Only floats should be included in the list as their unit can be modified with fan_curve_flow_unit argument.

blower_powerstr, optional

blower power expressed as a string containing the value and unit. Default is “0W”.

blade_rpmfloat, optional

Blade RPM value. Default is 0.

blade_anglestr, optional

Blade angle expressed as a string containing value and the unit. Default is “0rad”.

fan_curve_pressure_unitstr, optional

Fan curve pressure unit. Default is “n_per_meter_sq”.

fan_curve_flow_unitstr, optional

Fan curve flow unit. Default is “m3_per_s”.

boundary_namestr, optional

Name of the recirculation boundary. The default is None, in which case the boundary is automatically generated.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignBlowerBoundary


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> cylinder = self.aedtapp.modeler.create_cylinder(orientation="X",origin=[0,0,0],radius=10,height=1)
>>> curved_face = [f for f in cylinder.faces if not f.is_planar]
>>> planar_faces = [f for f in cylinder.faces if f.is_planar]
>>> cylinder.solve_inside=False
>>> blower = self.aedtapp.assign_blower_type1([ for f in curved_face+planar_faces],
>>>                                           [ for f in planar_faces], [10, 5, 0], [0, 2, 4])