
Icepak.create_parametric_heatsink_on_face(top_face, relative=True, hs_basethick=0.1, fin_thick=0.05, fin_length=0.25, fin_height=0.5, draft_angle=0, pattern_angle=10, separation=0.05, column_separation=0.05, symmetric=True, symmetric_separation=0.05, numcolumn_perside=2, material='Al-Extruded')[source]#

Create a parametric heat sink.


Face to build the heatsink on.

relativebool, optional

Whether the dimensions used as arguments of the function are absolute or relative to the width and the height of the top face.

hs_basethickfloat, optional

Thickness of the heat sink base. If relative==True, it is the fraction of the top_face width. The default is 0.1.

fin_thickfloat, optional
Thickness of the fin. If relative==True, it is the fraction of

the top_face height. The default is 0.50.

fin_lengthfloat, optional

Length of the fin. If relative==True, it is the fraction of the top_face width. The default is 0.25.

fin_heightfloat, optional

Height of the fin. If relative==True, it is the fraction of the top_face height. The default is 1.

draft_anglefloat, optional

Draft angle in degrees. The default is 0.

pattern_anglefloat, optional

Pattern angle in degrees. The default is 10.

separationfloat, optional

Separation among the fins of one column. If relative==True, it is the fraction of the top_face width. The default is 0.05.

column_separationfloat, optional

Separation among columns of fins. If relative==True, it is the fraction of the top_face height. The default is 0.1.

symmetricbool, optional

Whether the heat sink is symmetric. The default is True.


Separation between the two sides. If relative==True, it is the fraction of the top_face height. The default is 0.01.

numcolumn_persideint, optional

Number of columns per side. The default is 2.

materialstr, optional

Name of the material. The default is Al-Extruded.


Heatsink created or False when failed.


Variable mapping. Keys are the different parameters names, and values are the corresponding variables names in Icepak.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> box = ipk.modeler.create_box([0,0,0],[1,2,3])
>>> top_face=box.top_face_z
>>> ipk.create_parametric_heatsink_on_face(top_face, material="Al-Extruded")