
Icepak.assign_power_law_resistance(objects, boundary_name=None, total_power='0W', fluid='air', laminar=False, power_law_constant=1, power_law_exponent=1)#

Assign resistance boundary condition prescribing a power law.

objectslist or str

A list of objects to which the resistance condition will be assigned. It can be a single object (a string) or multiple objects specified as a list.

boundary_namestr, optional

The name of the boundary object that will be created. If not provided, a unique name is generated. The default is None.

total_powerstr, float, or dict or BoundaryDictionary, optional

The total power transferred to the fluid through the resistance volume. It is specified as a string with a value and unit or a float where the default unit "W" is used. Assign a transient condition using the result of a function with the create_*_transient_assignment pattern. The default is "0W".

fluidstr, optional

Material of the volume to assign the resistance to. The default is "air".

laminarbool, optional

Whether the flow inside the volume must be treated as laminar or not. Default is False.

power_law_constantstr or float, optional

Specifies the coefficient in the power law equation for pressure loss. Default is 1.

power_law_exponentstr or float, optional

Specifies the exponent value in the power law equation for pressure loss calculation. Default is 1.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignResistanceBoundary