
PointMonitor.value(quantity=None, setup=None, design_variation_dict=None, si_out=True)[source]#

Get a list of values obtained from the monitor object. If the simulation is steady state, the list will contain just one element.

quantitystr or list, optional

String that specifies the quantity that is retrieved. If this parameter is not provided, all monitored quantity will be considered.

design_variation_dictdict, optional

Dictionary containing the project and design variables and values. If this parameter is not provided, all variations are considered.

setupstr, optional

Name of the setup to extract the monitor value from. If this parameter is not provided, the first setup of the design is used.

si_outbool, optional

Whether to return the values of th monitor object in SI units. Default is True.


Dictionary containing the variables names and values and the monitor values for each variation.