
FfdSolutionData.plot_3d(quantity='RealizedGain', quantity_format='dB10', rotation=None, output_file=None, show=True, show_as_standalone=False, pyvista_object=None, background=None, scale_farfield=None, show_beam_slider=True, show_geometry=True)#

Create a 3D polar plot of the geometry with a radiation pattern in PyVista.

quantitystr, optional

Quantity to plot. The default is "RealizedGain". Available quantities are: "RealizedGain", "RealizedGain_Theta", "RealizedGain_Phi", "rETotal", "rETheta", and "rEPhi".

quantity_formatstr, optional

Conversion data function. Available functions are: "abs", "ang", "dB10", "dB20", "deg", "imag", "norm", and "real".

output_filestr, optional

Full path for the image file. The default is None, in which case a file is not exported.

rotationlist, optional

Far field rotation matrix. The matrix contains three vectors, around x, y, and z axes. The default is [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]].

showbool, optional

Whether to show the plot. The default is True.

show_as_standalonebool, optional

Whether to show a plot as standalone. The default is False.

pyvista_objectPyvista.Plotter, optional

PyVista instance defined externally. The default is None.

backgroundlist or str, optional

Background color if a list is passed or background picture if a string is passed. The default is None.

scale_farfieldlist, optional

List with minimum and maximum values of the scale slider. The default is None.

show_beam_sliderbool, optional

Whether the Theta and Phi scan slider is active. The default is True.


Whether to show the geometry. The default is True.

bool or Pyvista.Plotter

True when successful. The Pyvista.Plotter is returned when show and image_path are False.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core
>>> app = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss(version="2025.1", design="Antenna")
>>> setup_name = "Setup1 : LastAdaptive"
>>> frequencies = [77e9]
>>> sphere = "3D"
>>> data = app.get_antenna_data(setup=setup_name,sphere=sphere)
>>> data.plot_3d(quantity_format="dB10")