
Modeler2D.create_subregion(padding_values, padding_types, assignment, name=None)[source]#

Create a subregion.

padding_valuesfloat, str, list of floats or list of str

Padding values to apply. If a list is not provided, the same value is applied to all padding directions. If a list of floats or strings is provided, the values are interpreted as padding for ["+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z"].

padding_typesstr or list of str, optional

Padding definition. The default is "Percentage Offset". Options are "Absolute Offset", "Absolute Position", "Percentage Offset", and "Transverse Percentage Offset". When using a list, different padding types can be provided for different


assignmentlist of str

One or more names of the parts to include in the subregion.

namestr, optional

Region name. The default is None, in which case the name is generated automatically.


Subregion object.


>>> oEditor.CreateRegion