
Modeler2D.create_face_coordinate_system(face, origin, axis_position, axis='X', name=None, offset=None, rotation=0, always_move_to_end=True)[source]#

Create a face coordinate system.

The face coordinate has always the Z axis parallel to face normal. The X and Y axis lie on the face plane.

faceint, FacePrimitive

Face where the coordinate system is defined.

originint, FacePrimitive, EdgePrimitive, VertexPrimitive

Coordinate system origin. The origin must belong to the face where the coordinate system is defined.

  • If a face is specified, the origin is placed on the face center. It must be the same as the face parameter.

  • If an edge is specified, the origin is placed on the edge midpoint.

  • If a vertex is specified, the origin is placed on the vertex.

axis_positionint, FacePrimitive, EdgePrimitive, VertexPrimitive

Specify where the X or Y axis is pointing. The position must belong to the face where the coordinate system is defined. Select which axis is considered with the option axis. If a face is specified, the position is placed on the face center. It must be the same as face. If an edge is specified, the position is placed on the edce midpoint. If a vertex is specified, the position is placed on the vertex.

axisstr, optional

Select which axis is considered for positioning. Possible values are "X" and "Y". The default is "X".

namestr, optional

Name of the coordinate system. The default is None.

offsetlist, optional

List of the [x, y] coordinates specifying the offset of the coordinate system origin. The offset specified in the face coordinate system reference. The default is [0, 0].

rotationfloat, optional

Rotation angle of the coordinate system around its Z axis. Angle is in degrees. The default is 0.

always_move_to_endbool, optional

If True the Face Coordinate System creation operation will always be moved to the end of subsequent objects operation. This will guarantee that the coordinate system will remain solidal with the object face. If False the option “Always Move CS to End” is set to off. The default is True.
