
Hfss3dLayout.edit_cosim_options(simulate_missing_solution=True, align_ports=True, renormalize_ports=True, renorm_impedance=50, setup_override_name=None, sweep_override_name=None, use_interpolating_sweep=False, use_y_matrix=True, interpolation_algorithm='auto')[source]#

Edit cosimulation options.

simulate_missing_solutionbool, optional

Whether the solver is to simulate a missing solution. The default is True. If False, the solver interpolates a missing solution.

align_portsbool, optional

Whether the solver is to align microwave parts. The default is True.

renormalize_portsbool, optional

Whether to renormalize port impendance. The default is True.

renorm_impedancefloat, optional

Renormalization impedance in ohms. The default is 50.

setup_override_namestr, optional

Setup name if there is a setup override. The default is None.

sweep_override_namestr, optional

Sweep name if there is a sweep override. The default is None.

use_interpolating_sweepbool, optional

Whether the solver is to use an interpolating sweep. The default is True. If False, the solver is to use a discrete sweep.

use_y_matrixbool, optional

Whether the interpolation algorithm is to use the Y matrix. The default is True.

interpolation_algorithmstr, optional

Interpolation algorithm to use. Options are "auto", "lin", "shadH", and "shadNH". The default is "auto".


True if successful and False if failed.


>>> oDesign.EditCoSimulationOptions


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss3dLayout
>>> h3d = Hfss3dLayout()
>>> h3d.edit_cosim_options(
...     simulate_missing_solution=True,
...     align_ports=True,
...     renormalize_ports=True,
...     renorm_impedance=50,
...     setup_override_name=None,
...     sweep_override_name=None,
...     use_interpolating_sweep=False,
...     use_y_matrix=True,
...     interpolation_algorithm="auto"
... )