HFSS: spiral inductor#

This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a spiral inductor, solve it, and plot results.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports.

import os
import pyaedt

project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="spiral")

Set non-graphical mode#

Set non-graphical mode. You can set non_graphical either to True or False.

non_graphical = False

Launch HFSS#

Launch HFSS 2023 R2 in non-graphical mode and change the units to microns.

hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical, designname="A1", new_desktop_session=True)
hfss.modeler.model_units = "um"
p = hfss.modeler
Initializing new desktop!

Define variables#

Define input variables. You can use the values that follow or edit them.

rin = 10
width = 2
spacing = 1
thickness = 1
Np = 8
Nr = 10
gap = 3
Tsub = 6

Standardize polyline#

Standardize the polyline using the create_line method to fix the width, thickness, and material.

def create_line(pts):
    p.create_polyline(pts, xsection_type="Rectangle", xsection_width=width, xsection_height=thickness, matname="copper")

Create spiral inductor#

Create the spiral inductor. This spiral inductor is not parametric, but you could parametrize it later.

ind = hfss.modeler.create_spiral(

Center return path#

Center the return path.

x0, y0, z0 = ind.points[0]
x1, y1, z1 = ind.points[-1]
create_line([(x0 - width / 2, y0, -gap), (abs(x1) + 5, y0, -gap)])
p.create_box((x0 - width / 2, y0 - width / 2, -gap - thickness / 2), (width, width, gap + thickness), matname="copper")
<pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d object at 0x000001D983AC25F0>

Create port 1#

Create port 1.

                   position=(abs(x1) + 5, y0 - width / 2, -gap - thickness / 2),
                   dimension_list=(width, -Tsub + gap),
hfss.lumped_port(signal="port1", integration_line=pyaedt.constants.AXIS.Z)
<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject object at 0x000001D983AC24D0>

Create port 2#

Create port 2.

create_line([(x1 + width / 2, y1, 0), (x1 - 5, y1, 0)])
p.create_rectangle(pyaedt.constants.PLANE.YZ, (x1 - 5, y1 - width / 2, -thickness / 2), (width, -Tsub), name="port2")
hfss.lumped_port(signal="port2", integration_line=pyaedt.constants.AXIS.Z)
<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject object at 0x000001D983AC09D0>

Create silicon substrate and ground plane#

Create the silicon substrate and the ground plane.

p.create_box([x1 - 20, x1 - 20, -Tsub - thickness / 2], [-2 * x1 + 40, -2 * x1 + 40, Tsub], matname="silicon")

p.create_box([x1 - 20, x1 - 20, -Tsub - thickness / 2], [-2 * x1 + 40, -2 * x1 + 40, -0.1], matname="PEC")
<pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d object at 0x000001D9EDB30550>

Assign airbox and radiation#

Assign the airbox and the radiation.

box = p.create_box(
    [x1 - 20, x1 - 20, -Tsub - thickness / 2 - 0.1], [-2 * x1 + 40, -2 * x1 + 40, 100], name="airbox", matname="air"

<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject object at 0x000001D98346EC80>

Assign material override#

Assign a material override so that the validation check does not fail.


Plot model#

Plot the model.

hfss.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
HFSS Spiral
<pyaedt.generic.plot.ModelPlotter object at 0x000001D983AC0550>

Create setup#

Create the setup and define a frequency sweep to solve the project.

setup1 = hfss.create_setup(setupname="setup1")
setup1.props["Frequency"] = "10GHz"
hfss.create_linear_count_sweep(setupname="setup1", unit="GHz", freqstart=1e-3, freqstop=50, num_of_freq_points=451,

Get report data#

Get report data and use the following formulas to calculate the inductance and quality factor.

L_formula = "1e9*im(1/Y(1,1))/(2*pi*freq)"
Q_formula = "im(Y(1,1))/re(Y(1,1))"

Plot calculated values in Matplotlib#

Plot the calculated values in Matplotlib.

x = hfss.post.get_solution_data([L_formula, Q_formula])
x.plot(curves=[L_formula, Q_formula], math_formula="re", xlabel="Freq", ylabel="L and Q")
Simulation Results Plot
<Figure size 2000x1000 with 1 Axes>

Save project and close AEDT#

Save the project and close AEDT.


Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 46.632 seconds)

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