
PostProcessor.plot_field(quantity, object_list, plot_type='Surface', setup_name=None, intrinsics=None, mesh_on_fields=False, view='isometric', plot_label=None, show=True, scale_min=None, scale_max=None, plot_cad_objs=True, log_scale=True, export_path='', imageformat='jpg', keep_plot_after_generation=False, dark_mode=False, show_bounding=False, show_grid=False)[source]#

Create a field plot using Python PyVista and export to an image file (JPG or PNG).


The PyVista module rebuilds the mesh and the overlap fields on the mesh.


Quantity to plot (e.g. "Mag_E").

object_liststr, list

Objects or faces to which apply the Field Plot.

plot_typestr, optional

Plot type. Options are "Surface", "Volume", "CutPlane".

setup_namestr, optional

Setup and sweep name on which create the field plot. Default is None for nominal setup usage.

intrinsicsdict, optional.

Intrinsic dictionary that is needed for the export. The default is None which try to retrieve intrinsics from setup.

mesh_on_fieldsbool, optional

Whether to create and plot the mesh over the fields. The default is False.

viewstr, optional

View to export. Options are "isometric", "xy", "xz", "yz".

plot_labelstr, optional

Type of the plot. The default is "Temperature".

showbool, optional

Export Image without plotting on UI.

scale_minfloat, optional

Fix the Scale Minimum value.

scale_maxfloat, optional

Fix the Scale Maximum value.

plot_cad_objsbool, optional

Whether to include objects in the plot. The default is True.

log_scalebool, optional

Whether to plot fields in log scale. The default is True.

export_pathstr, optional

Image export path. Default is None to not export the image.

imageformatstr, optional

Format of the image file. Options are "jpg", "png", "svg", and "webp". The default is "jpg".

keep_plot_after_generationbool, optional

Either to keep the Field Plot in AEDT after the generation is completed. Default is False.

dark_modebool, optional

Whether to display the model in dark mode or not. The default is False.

show_gridbool, optional

Whether to display the axes grid or not. The default is False.

show_boundingbool, optional

Whether to display the axes bounding box or not. The default is False.


Model Object.