
PostProcessor.create_fieldplot_layers_nets(layers_nets: list, quantity_name: str, setup_name: str = None, intrinsics: dict = None, plot_on_surface: bool = True, plot_name: str = None) FieldPlot[source]#

Create a field plot of stacked layer plot. This plot is valid from AEDT 2023 R2 and later in HFSS 3D Layout and any modeler where a layout component is used.


List of layers and nets to plot. For example: [["Layer1", "GND", "PWR"], ["Layer2", "VCC"], ...].


Name of the quantity to plot.

setup_namestr, optional

Name of the setup. The default is None, in which case the nominal_adaptive setup is used. Make sure to build a setup string in the form of "SetupName : SetupSweep", where SetupSweep is the sweep name to use in the export or LastAdaptive.

intrinsicsdict, optional

Dictionary containing all intrinsic variables. The default is {}.

plot_on_surfacebool, optional

Whether the plot is to be on the surface or volume of traces.

plot_namestr, optional

Name of the field plot to create.


Plot object.


>>> oModule.CreateFieldPlot